Thursday, November 24, 2016



This year Aunt joined our dinner, together with Brandon's gf Toma, we have 7 Adults and 2 kids.
Dennis found a smoke Turkey from Aldi, $2+/lb, and it's already cooked. Just need to heat up. It takes pretty good and big time saver.

Dennis made:
1. Turkey with stuffing.
2. Lobster small Hawaiian sandwich appetizer
3. Crab cakes
4. MacCheese

I made:
1. Enoki dish
2. Bachoy
3. Sweet potato casserole
4. Mash potato

Toma and Brandon brought:
1. Beet smoke salmon
2. Kimcheese type Carrots
3. Baked corn cobs
4. A piece of Coby beef

Emma made:
Pecan cheese pie (It's pretty good actually)

Dennis also bought Donuts for Aiden's birthday.

Dennis's mom brought:
Sweet rice you(2) fan(4)

It's pretty good dinner. Was going to do it on Friday but Brandon and Tomo were booked on Friday so we moved to Sat.  I dont work on Thursday and Friday so it gives us plenty of time to do some cleaning and prepare the dishes. So I dont feel very exhausted for preparing this time. 

This year is special and challenging with pandemics. Dennis' Dad got really sick and almost died, that's a challenges for Dennis' mom. My sprint MM project ended so I was out of job for a month before I got on the Sprint MIT team which is much harder job than I can imagine. So that's a challenge for me. Brandon got a job and his relationship still doing good, so it's a good year for him. Both kids got to the new school and do remote studying for most of time. It was challenging for them and me also.  
It's a election year, with pandemic still out of control, it's challenging for the country. 

2019 Hot pot thanksgiving.


今年准备感恩节, 5 个大人,两个小孩。不错。



做了这个,我们买了那种salty的rip whole wheat cracker, 我觉得有点太咸。因为smoke salmon 也是咸的。感觉一般。

crab pie, 现在costco都不卖can crab meat了。买了两罐fresh crab meat, 今年crab meat 涨到$21一罐。明年一罐就好了。因为做了8个,还剩很多。因为是婆婆喜欢吃的,成了保留项目。

Main course:
1. Turkey: 感恩节前一周多在Aldi买的,$1.29/lb, 买了个12lb的。 到了周末就降至0.99/lb。烤起来很漂亮,但是还是有点干。本来不想买Turkey了,但是Emma要。这次Dennis烤得不错。
2. 炒Bachoy
3. 婆婆的油饭
4. Green bean cassrole: 这次用了另外的recipe, 加了French Onion在上面,但是我烤的时间有点太长了。上面的Fried onion 和cheese都有点硬了。下次不做这个了。
5. Dennis买了条龙虾和一些king crab放小面包上当成小sandwich
5. 酸辣汤:不错,销了一大半。

Side dish:
Macaroni cheese: 孩子们最喜欢的。
Candied yam casserole : 还是一样好吃

pumpkin pie:这次Emma坚持做,味道其实比costco的好,又不会太大。
我做了十个大的红薯sesame ball, 都给婆婆拿回去了,因为吃不下了。


今年准备感恩节, 5 个大人,两个小孩。感觉比去年好。


crab pie, 现在costco都不卖can crab meat了。买了两罐fresh crab meat, 一罐$17.

Main course:
1. Turkey: 感恩节前一周在costco买的,小的都被买走了,只剩下大的,最小的都有17,8磅。但是太早买冰箱又没地方放。烤起来很漂亮,但是还是有点干。
2. Garlic sauce egg plant:还不错。没吃光但是基本上消灭。用了四个茄子。
3. 婆婆的油饭
4. Green bean cassrole: 我觉得味道不错。不过只消耗了1/3. 觉得要用新鲜的green bean做也许比较好。
5. 排骨汤:只有我和Aiden喝。菜太多了。

Side dish:
Stuffing: 剩一大堆。只有Dennis喜欢。
Mashed potato: Aiden, Brando, I like it. Emma doesn't like it.
Macaroni cheese: Emma & Aiden like it.
Candy yam: Dennis's Dad, Brando, Emma like it.
pumpkin cheese cake:Not bad.

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