1. Take a photo a day.
2. Give a compliment a day.
3. Speak to someone new every day.
4. Keep a thought journal.
5. Write your dreams down every morning for 30 days.
6. Spend five minutes meditation every day.
7. Learn something new every day.
8. Talk to Parents every day.
9. Cook or bake something new each day.
11. Keep a laughter journal. Write down one thing a day that made you really laugh hard.
12. Go for a 15 minute run every day
13. Do 50 sit-ups a day.
14. Write down a positive thought a day
15. Before you go to sleep, think about the best thing that happened to you that day for five minutes.
16. What have you always wanted to do but never have? Spend 30 days writing down ideas for accomplishing your goal.
17. Give up bitching for a month or saying anything negative about people.
18. Write a book in a month with help from National Novel Writing Month
19. Wake up at 6am to meditate every morning
20. Face a new fear a day — talk to a stranger, push yourself put of your comfort zone
21. Learn to love yourself just a little bit more each day. You deserve it.
22. Watch a film a day
23. Take a photograph of your food every day — it might force you to prepare nicer looking meals.
24. Plant a flower a day — in your garden or just in random places.
47. Take up a new interesting hobby —photograph, piano
50. Text, write, message…people you care about and tell them why they’re important to you.
53. Learn a new instrument in a month — the ukulele, cello, flute — whatever takes your fancy.
57. Create a postcard sized piece of art each day and have a work of art to display at the end of the month.
60. Read about a different period of history every day.
62. Do one thing each day that makes you feel inspired.
64. Revamp your house in a month and learn one upcycling trick a day.
65. Learn a new word every day.
68. Do an hour of exercise a day.
72. Learn to lucid dream in 30 days
74. Spend 30 days being a vegetarian or vegan
81. Read a chapter of a book idea
86. Be positive for 30 days — even when things go wrong, look only for the postives.
87. Try out polyphasic sleep (sleeping multiple times within 24 hours).
90. Spend 30 days eating (healthy) raw food meals.
92. Feel beautiful in your own skin every day.
93. Create a bucket list of 30 items in 30 days.
94. Write down something you love about your partner/daughter every day and give them the list after your month is up.
95. Read a poem a day.
96. Write a poem a day.
97. Dance every day — whether you’re good at it or not.
99. Sell 30 things you don’t need, use or wear anymore and see how much money you make at the end of the month.
100. Spend each day being as ‘present’ as possible and making the most of simple acts and routine tasks.
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